
Welcome to December! Here are the latest news you’ve sent to share.

Next announcement on or about 12/20.


>>>> Membership

We are at 71% of our members renewed for this year. If you are part of the 29% who have not yet renewed check your inbox or spam folder for those reminders. This email could be your last announcement email from the art league unless you renew. Reminder #3 was sent on November 27 only to those who have not yet renewed. If you have questions about your membership send an email to: membership@worthingtonareaartleague.com


>>>> December meeting and potluck

Thursday, December 12, 6:00 pm
777 High St.
Worthington, Ohio

>>>> RSVP to President@worthingtonareaartleague.com for the December meeting and potluck
WAAL’s annual holiday party is Dec. 12th.  WAAL will provide pulled chicken, pork, and beef.  Members should bring either a side dish or desert to share.

Joni has planned for us to play Kahoot!, a trivia-type game with prizes!  

Beth Veldey


>>>> Upcoming meetings

Speakers for 2020:

Jan: Jeff Stahler, watercolorist, comics
Feb: Golden Rep with NEW stuff!
Mar: Michele Sitzlin, mixed media artist
Apr: Nora Daniels!
May: TBD
June: Kevin Horsefield Landscape Photography

Joni Meeker 


>>>> Members in the news

Laurel Richardson has to two Fibre Art pieces in the Art Quilt Alliance at First Unitarian -Universalist Church on Weisheimer. (The show is stunning….an out-of-the-box display of creativity and skill.)

Works from Aida Garrity Fine Art Studios  https://mailchi.mp/6a40cfc280a5/ux9s1z2eim-2423237?e=80fe051ef4

Justin Dancing Hawk has been accepted as a SIGNATURE MEMBER  of the very Prestigious – Artists for Conservation Foundation!    see attachment

Robie Benve has some updates – see attachments below


>>>> Solar Plate Printmaking workshop with Dan Welden in March, 2020.

We have a few spots still open. 
Thank you. 

Suzy Rogers  

see attachment


>>>> You are invited

All WAAL artists are invited to come to the MAC on Saturday mornings from 9 to Noon to paint/sketch/enjoy a session in the Studio Room on the top floor with
artists of Central Ohio Plein Air
on most Saturdays during the winter we enjoy honing our skills by painting still life subjects or painting from photos or imagination.

Once a month, on the second Saturday we will have a live clothed model to paint from.    

Above is a link for you to enjoy a video of some of our artists as they enjoy painting.      
There is a small cost per artist of $5 on most Saturdays and $8 on the Saturday’s when we have a live model.   
We look forward to seeing you.


>>>> More opportunities to learn

Abstract Fun with Soft Pastels

Nancy Vance is teaching a one-day workshop, Abstract Fun with Soft Pastels, Saturday January 25 from 9am – 1pm at Westerville Community Center.  

Are you curious about using pastel sticks? Do you already use pastels and want to try a different approach? Come to this one-day workshop to learn the freedom of creating with soft pastels. 

We will jump right into the fun using your favorite master’s painting image as a jumping off point. Our goal will not be to copy but to use it as inspiration for our own abstracted design.

NOTE: Instructor will provide pastel paper. Student will bring their own soft pastel sticks (NO oil pastels). Please see materials list available at the front desk.

Class # 107228 Abstract Fun with Soft Pastels

Westerville Resident Fee:  $60.00
Non-Resident Fee:  $75.00
One day workshop, Saturday January 25 9am – 1pm


Registration for Non-Residents opens on Dec. 15 at noon (online) or December 16 at 8am (in-person)


Contact Nancy with questions: nancy@nancyvance.com

 Oil Painting, Alla Prima/Solvent free class

Nancy Vance is teaching an Oil Painting, Alla Prima/Solvent free class, Wednesday evenings 6:30-9pm, 4 weeks – February 5- 26 at Westerville Community Center.  

Are you ready to step-up to try painting with real oils without the toxic fumes? Alla Prima means painting wet-on-wet, done start to finish in one session. Students will work on small panels, using a limited palette of real oil paints (4 tubes). 

Lessons in color mixing and application. A non-toxic solvent-free gel medium will be used in place of turpentine or mineral spirits. Soap and water cleanup of brushes. Please request materials list at the front desk.

Class # 107227 Alla Prima Oil Painting    Register online or in person. 

Westerville Resident Fee:  $75.00
Non-Resident Fee:  $90.00
4 weeks, February 5 – 26
Wednesday evenings from 6:30-9pm


Registration for Residents opens on Dec. 13 at noon (online, or December 14 at 8am (in-person)
Registration for Non-Residents opens on Dec. 15 at noon (online, or December 16 at 8am (in-person)


Contact Nancy with questions: nancy@nancyvance.com


The end
Two (2) or more attachments – hmmmm