Just a few items for this announcement. Next announcement will be on or about October 5.


It would appear that 66% of the memberships have been renewed at this time. Don’t forget to renew yours if you have not already done so. If you are not sure – – – ask me and I’ll check the record.

This new email seems to be working. So if you have Art League business for me please use this email.  I will continue to have the other emails active but I’m trying to segregate WAAL stuff from the other stuff.


>>>> Message from the President (WAAL president)
Sounds like the WAAL members were busy over the summer.   Congratulations on all your inspiring and fun art creations. 
Also, congratulations to the winners of the Mill Run show.   The work was just amazing, we have a group of very accomplished artists.   Thanks to Beth Veldy and Ann Kete for chairing the show and Kathryn Bubenchik for being in charge of the refreshments, you all did a wonderful job and on behalf of the members we so appreciate your work.   Thanks to all the artists who entered the show and brought refreshments.  As a league we work hard to find good venues for our shows and I love the positive response from our members.   
HELP NEEDED:    Beth and Ann would like to turn over the organization of the Mill Run show  to two new chairs next year.   Beth has an excellent guide to what needs to be done.   If you are interested please contact me ram.art@hotmail.com or Beth eveldy@insight.rr.com  or Ann ahk987@sbcglobal.net.   Consider doing the show with a friend, it is always fun to work together.  Plus it is a great way to meet other WAAL members.  
See you on Thursday, October 11th at the Griswold Center
Ruth Ann Mitchell, President
>>>> Mill Run Exhibit is up and looking good!

The reception for the annual WAAL all-member show was held on Sunday, 9/16.  The winners were announced.







Veena Bansal

Mystifying Village in France



Richard Clem

Reflections Along a Bank



Barbara Carruthers

Blue Barn



Diana Andrews

Corner Church



Jane Flewellen

Still Life Morning Light



Karen Lehner

Lotus Pond



Robie Benve

Hopes and Smiles



Patricia Howard

On the Way to the River Cabin



Don Burroughs

Mirror Image


This is a large show with 87 pieces by 44 artists.  Our judge, Mary Jane Ward said, “I loved seeing the variety of media, and the range of subject matter in the work”, and “WAAL has such a skilled group of artists as its members.”
The show is on through October 30, 2018, 7am to 9 pm, Sunday through Thursday, at Upper Arlington Lutheran Church, 3500 Mill Run Drive, Hilliard.
Also, someone left a square white china plate at the reception.  Contact Beth at eveldey@insight.rr.com.
>>>> Meeting Minutes are attached
Well, that seems to be it for this announcement.
two (2) attachments