# Worthington Area Art League – announcements 4/19/19 #
Hello members
Here’s the latest announcement of “things” you might be interested in.
Enjoy this transition to spring!
Next Announcement on or about May 3.
>>>> Next Meeting May 9th, 6pm
Griswold Center
777 High St
Worthington, Ohio
May Scholarship Dinner – May 9th – 6pm, Griswold Center
RSVP – We need you! RSVPs are lagging for the scholarship dinner. We need your pot-luck appetizers, sides, and desserts to host our guests. We also need volunteers to help set up tables before and take down afterward. Email Beth for RSVPs and volunteering at VicePresident@WorthingtonAreaArtLeague.com
Let’s have a good turn-out for the students and their families.
Starts at 6pm with appetizers. Dinner at 6:30 followed by presentations to scholars. Art teachers from each of the three Worthington high schools are asked to choose a senior student who is an outstanding artist and who plans on furthering his/her education in an artistic field. Students will bring pieces and talk about their work.
Volunteers for set-up should be at the Griswold at 5:30.
>>>> from the president
What a great presentation by Cody Heichel. Amazing watercolors, I love his subject matter plus his ability to work with watercolor outside. Thanks so much for the presentation!
Thanks again Beth for arranging these amazing artists/speakers!
WORTHINGTON ARTS FESTIVAL We began sign ups for the Worthington Arts Festival and still have plenty of spots left. Please contact Sharon Doyle sharondoyle0789@gmail.com to sign up for a slot to work, that will guarantee your participation in the festival exhibit. Attached is the information for showing, size and number of paintings, duties, etc. If you have any questions please contact me ram.art@hotmail.com or Beth Veldey eveldey@insight.rr.com.
MAY SCHOLARSHIP DINNER – This year we will be awarding $500 each to 3 graduating seniors from the Worthington High Schools. These students are chosen by their arts teachers and will be pursuing art as they move to their next level of education. The evening starts at 6pm with dinner at 6:30. The league will provide pulled chicken and each member should bring a side dish. Our potlucks are great – we have some marvelous cooks.
After dinner we will introduce our award winners and they will share their work and future plans. These students are always amazing when they display their talents.
JUST A NOTE – WE ARE NO LONGER SERVING COFFEE AT OUR MEETINGS AND DINNERS. We throw away more than half of what we make and have to start set up very early in order to have it ready on time. So if you need a cup-o-joe please stop on the way and pick one up or bring one from home.
Ruth Ann Mitchell, Artist
Worthington Area Art League
>>>> WAAL April 11 Venue sign-ups – call for participation!
Dear WAAL colleagues,
For those of you who were not at the meeting this month I wanted you to see the opportunities to display your art in community venues.
Please look over this sign-up sheet (see attachment) and send Howard Van Cleave (Email: myfatherthefox@gmail.com) an email indicating which venue and month(s) you would like to sign up for. When you send me your request I will send a confirmation email or let you know that it is already taken.
Howard Van Cleave?
Worthington Area Art League member
My Email: myfatherthefox@gmail.com
Voice/text: 614-404-7076
Worthington Area Art League member
My Email: myfatherthefox@gmail.com
Voice/text: 614-404-7076
Howard Van Cleave
>>>> Artists on Exhibit
I have 20 paintings on display at Grandview Grind coffee shop 1423A Grandview Ave until the end of April.
I would love it if people could stop by and check them out and have a great cup of coffee!
Justin Collamore
>>>> Call for entry
3060 Artworks is looking for artists (especially 3D) to be featured as guest artists. For more information, and to apply, please visit:
>>>> Opportunity to learn!
Dear WAAL Members,
I want to announce a one-day workshop I’m presenting on Saturday May 11, entitled Vivian’s Water Method with Pastel, from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM with an hour break for lunch. I will demonstrate and then will guide you through the process. We will meet in the Upper Arlington Senior Center Building #1 (the address is 1945 Ridgeview Road). Please contact Elise Kendrick at 614-583-5331 (UA Parks and Recreation) to register. If you would like more information please call me at 614-451-6254. For other classes and information please visit my website: vivianripleyart.com
Thank you, Vivian Ripley
>>>> Another member on exhibit
My current exhibit at First Merchants Bank in Grandview (attached) is up through the end of April. (see attachment)
All best, Fred Ripley
>>>> Kudos to members
I’m been selected to be part of the group show, “The Great Portraits Show” at Blockfort Gallery, Columbus OH. Reception is May 2, 6-9pm. Show is during the month of May. Show card is attached.
Kate Minear Sorenson
Kate Minear Sorenson
>>>> More opportunities to participate in art activities
Dear Art Leaders,Sawmill Wetlands Educational Area is committed to providing outdoor experiences for kids of all ages. With that in mind, we are trying something new.The June 1st Sawmill Saturday will focus on artists in nature and provide an opportunity to create or share art that captures the wonder of nature.Young visitors will be provided paper and media to create their own piece of art. More experienced artists are invited to bring their own easels and materials to find a place on the boardwalk or program area.The attached flyer provides the details. You may change the Word document to fit your organization. Feel free to call me with questions or suggestions on how to make this a better event.Thanks!Michelle ShinewFriends of the Sawmill Wetlands614 793-0123
see attachment
>>>> Another opportunity to learn
I have been receiving messages from people asking me when will I give workshops this year. I just finalized my schedule and I will be teaching a couple of workshops this year.Attached you will find a handout that provides some preliminary information on when the workshops will take place.Will it be possible for you to send it out to the Worthington Art League members and Central Ohio Plein Air Group? Each class will consists of a maximum of 14 students.Thanks you so much for your help!Have a nice evening.Aida
see attachment
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