#Worthington Area Art League – announcements 8/2/19#

Here are the announcements that have arrived at this instant.
Next announcement is on or about: 8/16/19
>>>> Next meeting – Thursday, August 8, 2019 7pm
Griswold Center
777 High St.Cheek Abbe Goslee <agc_art@hotmail.com>
Worthington, Ohio 43065
Don’t miss this speaker!
Chris Brinkman is an Internationally published Wildlife and Nature photographer and Conservationist. His work has been featured by Outdoor Photographer Magazine, Canon USA, Africa Geographic, Think Tank, Shutterbug Magazine, Smithsonian magazine, National Geographic your shot, Faerie magazine, and the field guide Bovids of the world. Check out his work.
>>>September Meeting – September 12, 2019, 7pm
Show & Tell – Members may bring in a piece or two and talk about a significant art experience they had over the last year.
>>>> Message from the president
Just a reminder our August meeting is coming up quickly, Thursday, August 8, 7pm at the Griswold Center.
We will have our election of new officers for the 2019/20 year. Beth Veldey – President, Joni Meeker – Vice President, Jane Moore – Secretary and Ana Atwood – Treasurer.
Hope you all have been having a wonderful summer – See you Thursday!
Upcoming Workshop – Printmaking with Gelli Plates with Amy Flowers
Saturday, Sept. 7th at High Road Gallery
More info to come in newsletter and at the meeting
Ruth Ann Mitchell, Artist
>>> Call for Entry – Mill Run Show
see attachment
Every Saturday a group of artists get together to paint plein air.
It is Central Ohio Plein Air, a group that totals 125 members.
Here is a link to their website that lists the location of each of these sessions.
This is an open invitation to all artists to come and paint with us.
No matter your media, or experience, you are welcome.
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