WAAL Membership membership@worthingtonareaartleague.com
www.worthingtonareaartleague.com www.artinview.com Just a few items have showed up and I’m late in getting this out.
Next planned announcement on or about: Feb. 5
>>>> Next Meeting Thursday, February 11, 2021 at 7pm MARK YOUR CALENDARS !!!
Topic: WAAL- General Meeting
Join Zoom Meeting us02web.zoom.us/j/82729823825?pwd=S3FLVi96NkJxdlZ5Y0lUU1d5QTJNUT09 <us02web.zoom.us/j/82729823825?pwd=S3FLVi96NkJxdlZ5Y0lUU1d5QTJNUT09>
Meeting ID: 827 2982 3825 Passcode: 091384
(see attached 3 images from last meeting) – Come join in the fun!!!! It’s the next best thing to being there in person. (it’s all we got for now)
>>>> Future Speakers
February 11 – TBD – If you have any ideas about who you would like to see, let me know. March 11 – Leah Wong – Paper artist Leah’s website <mailto:studio@leahwong.com> April 8 – TBD May 11 – TBD June 10 – Amy Adams – Oil Painter Amy’s Website <amyadamsfineart.com/home.html>
>>>> News from Aida’s Art Studio
News from Aida’s Art Studio January 2021 Newsletter
I hope that you and your family had a wonderful New Year celebration and that 2021 will bring you health and many blessings!
During the past three months, I have been working on a series of drawings, portraits, landscapes, and seascapes. Here are some of those recent paintings I have completed which are also available through the website www.aidabgarrity.com <www.aidabgarrity.com/>.
Thank you for your continuous support!
>>>> Member Kudos – you are invited
On February 18th Inga Smith will be the zoom speaker at the Cultural Arts Center ‘s Coffee and Conversation program from 12:00-1:0.0 She will be sharing some of her photographs in more or less three categories: Favorites, Whimsical, and “Lucky Shots”. Anyone can attend by going to the Cultural Arts Center web site under PROGRAMS. SELECT CONVERSATIONS AND COFFEE AND THEN SCROLL DOWN UNTIL YOU SEE THE LISTED DATES. When you come to February 18 you will see the link to get connected. Note: The programs start punctually on the dot of 12:00 and end on the dot of 1:00.
Three (3) attachments
Worthington Area Art League – announcements 1/27/21