Hello members
Well, it seems that the website caught a virus or something else that’s just as sinister and has been flat on its back for this week. I have not received word when it might be back up but at least email is still working.
If you are trying to pay your membership via PayPal you’ll have to wait, or do it by old fashion snail mail with a check – – – or pay in person with cash or check at an upcoming meeting. Please do not send cash to me in the mail. The mailing address is:
℅ Chuck Zelms
823 Sycamore Ridge Ct
Powell, OH 43065
If you are participating in the Mill Run exhibit and have not paid your membership and web gallery fee, if applicable, or the show fee, you can pay for it all with one check when you pay your Mill Run exhibit fee. Please make sure to give show payments to the show chair. The person accepting your payment will make a clear note that you are paying for more than just the exhibit entry fee. They will let me know – or I will chase them down. Or you can write multiple checks and send to multiple people – – – it’s your choice.
The plan is to do the next announcement on or about Sept 7. It all depends on how good my internet connection is.
Don’t forget, there is this new email address for WAAL membership!
>>>>WAAL September Meeting Activity
Thursday, September 13, 2019, 7pm
Griswold Center
777 High St.
Worthington, Ohio
It’s our annual Show & Tell night. Bring a piece or two and tell us what’s new for your and your art since last September. Joni Meeker will give us a short presentation on Urban Sketchers.
>>>>Upcoming Speakers
Beth Veldey is recruiting speakers for the next year. Committed so far are:
November 8, 2018 – Chaz O’Neil – Assistant Director of Fine Arts at the Ohio State Fair & Expo. Chaz will talk to us about what it’s like to manage the arts programs at the state fair. He is also a working mixed-media artist and will show some of his work.
April 11, 2019 – Cody Hechel – Cody’s watercolors are currently on display in “Drawn East” at the Columbus Cultural Arts Center and in “Greater Columbus” at the Columbus Museum of Art.
>>>>Mill Run Volunteers Needed for Mill Run Exhibit
Beth Veldey needs volunteers for the Mill Run show. Email her at eveldey@insight.rr.com or 740-548-0651.
- One person needed to help with take down on Wed., 10/31, 12:00 to 2:00pm.
- One person needed to help with refreshments at the reception, Sun., 9/16, 1:30 to 4:00 pm. This person will pick up snack table supplies from Kat Bubenchick and return them after the reception. They will arrange the table and pick up afterward. Finger-food will be provided by WAAL members attending the reception.
WAAL Inspired – All members annual juried show
Call for Entries for the WAAL show at the Church at Mill Run
Eligibility: All Members
Entry Fee: $15 per artist for entry of up to two 2D pieces
Judge: Mary Jane Ward
Awards: BOS, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 5 honorable mentions
Location: Upper Arlington Lutheran Church at Mill Run, 3500 Mill Run Dr., Hilliard, OH 43026
Entry Deadline: Friday, Sep. 7, 2018
Take In: Wed., Sep. 12, Noon to 2:00 pm and 6:00 to 7:00 pm
Reception: Sunday, Sep. 16, 2018, 2:00 to 4:00 pm
Take Down: Oct. 31, 2018, Noon to 2:00 pm and 6:00 to 7:00 pm
Viewing the Show: The church is open Sunday through Thursday, 7am to 9pm.
Entries: Entries accepted via post or email by Friday, Sep. 7, 2018.
>>Email to Ann Kete at ahk987@sbcglobal.net
>>Postal mail to Ann Kete, 1248 Windham Rd., Columbus, OH 43220
Attached: Printable entry form and show rules.
>>Your phone number and email address will be published on the program along with your name, the pieces’ titles, prices, and media to enable buyers to contact you. All sales are conducted directly between buyers and artists. No commissions will be taken.
>>All pieces must be framed (or wrapped canvas) and ready to hang with wire hangers. No sawtooth hangers.
>>WAAL membership dues are due September 1st. Your membership must be paid to enter.
Volunteers Needed:
We need people for take-in, take-down, and setting up there refreshment table for the reception. Email Beth at eveldey@insight.rr.com
Beth Veldey and Ann Kete, Co-chairs
see attachment
>>>> Member Phyllis Rosen having health issues
I received this summary from her friend and fellow member Geno Shifrin. Positive vibes to Phyllis!
In March 2017, Phyllis fell and broke her hip. In addition, she has had a progressive case of Parkinson for over 10 years. She had surgery to repair her broken hip after she fell. From that point on, she has been declining physically and mentally. In December 2017, she passed out due to an inoperable heart condition.Since December 2017 she has been in a nursing home in hospice care. Her mobility has declined and she’s now confined to a wheel chair.
>>>> Members in the news
One of my photos was accepted to “hit the hop”
at Studios on High. It is titled “Laundry Day.” The opening reception is Sunday September 2.
at Studios on High. It is titled “Laundry Day.” The opening reception is Sunday September 2.
Marcia Lang Canter
Christiane A Curry in the Zanesville Museum of Art
see attachment
>>>> Dublin Area Art League and High Rd Gallery has FREE workshops! See URL
Correction: The FREE workshops are held at the Riffe Center downtown!
Also consider coming to the first Dublin Area Art League Meeting the third Thursday of each month, the Thursday after WAAL, Sept 20, 2018 at the Justice Center, 5200 Emerald Parkway in Dublin 43017 (Police Station) 7pm to 9pm. We also have great speakers and are looking for new participants. You DO NOT have to join!
>>>> Another member exhibit
I wanted to send a reminder invitation to the Grandview “Hop” this Saturday (August 25), where I will be with my work at the First Merchants Bank (1460 Grandview Avenue) from 5 to 9:00 PM. For parking I suggest one of the surrounding streets, like Ida Avenue. I have 24 pieces on display in this nice space and there will be wine and snacks- I look forward to an enjoyable time!
Both that exhibit and the one on the second floor of the Worthington Municipal Building (6550 High Street) are up for just one more week, through August 30 See attached for hours. Thanks for your interest!
All best, Fred R.
Frederick J. Ripley
Photographer Specializing in Railroad Subjects
Framed Original Work, Exhibits, and Presentations
PO Box 21491
Columbus, OH 43221
>>>> Upcoming Workshop from Aida Garrity Fine Arts
see attachment
four (4) attachments