Hello again. Hope you have plans to enjoy this very fine Saturday!
It’s time for the promised announcements.
Over the next couple of weeks you will notice a changed in the face behind this email address. Ruth Ann Mitchell will now be the keeper of this address. I am excited to be stepping out of the role of membership chair having done that since the 2006-7 membership year when I inherited it from Janet Waggoner. I am pleased that Ruth Ann will be stepping into it. The email address will not change (membership@worthingtonareaartleague.com <mailto:membership@worthingtonareaartleague.com>) only the person behind it will. Please use this email to communicate with WAAL about your membership, questions you might have, or things you want to share with fellow members in these announcements . If stuff does show up at my house or in my personal email I will forward them to Ruth Ann so nothing gets lost. Well, at least that’s the goal.
The plan is for this announcement to be my last one. The next planned one will be on or about July 8.
It’s been fun! Thanks for all your help over the past 16 years. Chuck Zelms
Now on to the news!
>>>> July Meeting: July 14, 2022 7:00 PM
Worthington Community Center (specific room subject to adjustment) 345 E. Wilson Bridge Rd.​Worthington, OH 43085
Meeting is from 7 to 8:30 pm.
Andrew Frueh – Andrew artistically builds things using technology but it’s way more than that! You have to see it to believe it. www.andrewfrueh.com <www.andrewfrueh.com/>
>>>> Upcoming meetings
August 11 – Eliana Calle Saari – Eliana is originally from Medellin, Columbia, South America. She does woodblock prints and large installations of people woodblock printed on sheer silk. www.elianacallesaari.com <www.elianacallesaari.com/>
TBD – Kelley G Booze – Kelley paints abandoned parking lots and other seemingly deserted places. She gives them life and personality. The places speak for themselves, and the viewer is surprised by what’s there. www.kelleybooze.com/paintings <www.kelleybooze.com/paintings>
>>> WAAL 2022 Summer Show
The judging is complete and the show is set up online. We had 14 artists submit work. The show will be online at least through the end of August. The winners are: – First Place – Ambrosia – Andi Wolfe – Second Place – Robin’s Place Sherwood Forest – Charles Rowland – Third Place – Mokapu Beach – Beth Veldey – Honorable Mention – Sienna – Rod Hayslip
Link to the 2022 WAAL Summer Show www.worthingtonareaartleague.com/2021-summer-show/ <www.worthingtonareaartleague.com/2021-summer-show/>
WAAL awarded two $500 scholarships this year: – Honoka Fukagawa – Thomas Worthington High School. Thanks to her counselor, Kelly Swearingen for coordinating. – Gwendolyn Cardimen – Worthington Kilbourne High School. Thanks to Julie Woodrow for coordinating. A virtual gallery will be set up to share their images.
>>> Kroger Community Rewards
If you have Kroger card, please consider designating your Kroger Community Rewards to WAAL. It does not affect your in-store benefits or your discounts on gas.
We got our first quarterly check but it was only $3.83 and only ONE HOUSEHOLD signed up – and that’s ME! We can do better. It would be nice to fund some of our scholarships with these funds. I am attaching the instructions for signing up.
>>> Venues
Worthington Community Center – Next available slot is Dec/Jan Sunny Street Cafe – Next available slot – Aug/Sep Sign up online. Go the the Membership tab and select “Venue Booking”. The password is artinview2022
>>> WAAL Open Positions:
At this time, our slate of officers for next fiscal year (starting in September) is incomplete. Andi is moving to Vice President, Ruth Ann Michell has volunteered for Membership Chair. We still need a President and a Venues Chair.
We also need a few show chairs to help with the virtual fall show and a live show at Inniswood, and possibly, Mill Run.
>>>> Aida Garrity Fine Arts Studio Newsletter
www.aidabgarrity.com/nl/?nid=230850&type=html <www.aidabgarrity.com/nl/?nid=230850&type=html>
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