# Worthington Area Art League – announcement 7/6/19 #

Hello members
A few announcement items have arrived since last announcement. Here they are for your viewing pleasure.
Please remember to use this email address to get your announcements included in upcoming emails like this. membership@worthingtonareaartleague.com
Next announcement on or about July 19.
>>>> Next Meeting: Thursday, July 11, 2019 7PM
Griswold Center
777 High St.
Worthington, Ohio
Caitlin McGurk, Associate Curator and Assistant Professor at the Billy Ireland Cartoon Library & Museum, will present “Tell Me A Story Where the Bad Girl Wins: Uncovering the Life and Art of New Yorker Cartoonist Barbara Shermund”. Caitlin will speak about her experience curating the exhibit and about Barbara’s art, her life, and laying her to rest. The Billy Ireland houses the world’s largest collection of materials related to cartoons and comics, including original art, books, magazines, journals, comic books, archival materials, and newspaper comic strip pages and clippings.
>>>> Message from the President (of WAAL)
Hope you all had a wonderful July 4th! Gosh hard to believe we are in July already!
It is funny how things work out. At last months meeting I again told the membership Howard wanted to step down from chairing the artists for the community venues. I had announced that several times before, but this time I also indicated that if we did not find a new chair, we would need to considering ending the program.
A visitor, Kellie Kalash, spoke up and said she was interested in our league because of the opportunity of the display venues. She said although she was very busy, she would be interested with helping and working with another member on the venues. So I took her name and contact information. Then at the Worthington Arts Festival, two days later, I was talking with Janet Forbes-Green and we talked about the program. She had not been at the meeting, so I told her about my announcement as well as Kellie.
I have met with the two of them and they have offered to take the administration of the program over. Thanks so much to Kellie and Janet for stepping forward to help continue this opportunity to display art. We are trying to make the transition as smooth as possible, so please be patient with them as we move forward.
THANKS, to Howard Van Cleave for doing this job for several years. During his tenure he located new sites for us to display our work. When you see Howard please let him know how much you appreciate his efforts!
This was a nice thing to have happen, but at the same time another display opportunity unexpectedly came along. I was contacted by the manager of the Griswold center and they no longer had anyone to be incharge of their building display areas. They have hanging space outside our meeting room and in the hall way upstairs. I said we would be glad to do that and we now have a new high traffic area for our art work. More will be coming out about that at the meeting.
So like I said funny how things work out sometimes.
WORTHINGTON ARTS FESTIVAL Thanks to those members who volunteered to help set up the tent and display, man the booth and then take down everything. The rain started late on Saturday and early Sunday rained very hard with lighting and thunder forecast. I did not want any ones work to be damaged so made the call to remove our art work Sunday morning early. We disconnected the display screens for later pick up. Of course the day turned out to be lovely. Although we had as many artists sign up as last year, several did not bring work and several cancelled showing for various reasons, so we had less work on display.
Last year we sold over $2000 worth of art and WAAL prints. This year we only sold $218 worth of art. That did include some of the league’s note cards.
Our new year will begin in September. Beth Veldey our current Vice President will become President, Joni Meeker has been nominated for Vice Chairman – she will be in charge of programs, Ana Atwood will continue as Treasurer, Jane Moore will continue as Secretary and Chuck will be membership chairman as well as manage our newsletter.
I will call for nominations from the floor at July’s regular meeting and we will vote at the August meeting. Attached is some information about Joni.
Educated and holding 5 degrees from The Ohio State University in Nursing and Education, Joni Meeker has had a 40 year career in the medical field as an Advanced Practice Nurse Practitioner. Though deeply entrenched in the prescripted world of medicine, she identifies herself as an artist, with an intense appreciation for the ability to transfer a mere line into something that evokes emotion. Her medium is pen and ink with watercolor. The urban landscape provides opportunity for her to experience the world, one drawing at a time! With a passion for sketchbooks, her hope is to leave behind a visual representation of the world we live in. It is a personal mission to engage the community, cultivate creativity and foster life-long learning through the arts.
The Mac Student Show deadline for submissions has been extended to Monday July 15th. 2 attachments
>>>> Members in the Ohio State Fair Fine Arts Exhibit (will repeat a few times as names get added)
The list is growing! Congratulations to everyone who was accepted into this exhibit! Some first timers! Way to go!!! If your name is missing send it to me and I’ll add it to this growing list in next announcement.
Rod Hayslip: See it here: https://rodhayslip.com/page/8631/events
Andi Wolfe: two pieces: a 2 X 4 foot painting of Quito, and a carved turning, with a maple leaf motif.
Robie Benve
Dawn Petrill
Pat Howard: two paintings
Marcia Lang Canter: One of my ceramic pieces, Iago
Michelle Geissbuhler: first time entering, so having three pieces
Justin Dancing Hawk: 1st EVER experience entering a State Fair!! I got 2 out of 4 entries ACCEPTED!!!
Angela Gage 3 pieces in professional division
>>>> Opportunity to learn
See attached flyers from Michael Cooley.
>>>> News from member Aida Garrity
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