#Worthington Area Art League – announcement 7/19/19#
So, it’s time for another one of those announcements. Here it is!
And the next one will be on or about August 2. That one will be hit or miss as I will be out traveling and only God knows whether the internet will work well enough to get it done. Stay tuned.
>>>> Next meeting – Thursday, August 8, 2019 7pm
Griswold Center
777 High St.
Worthington, Ohio 43065
Don’t miss this speaker!
Chris Brinkman is an Internationally published Wildlife and Nature photographer and Conservationist. His work has been featured by Outdoor Photographer Magazine, Canon USA, Africa Geographic, Think Tank, Shutterbug Magazine, Smithsonian magazine, National Geographic your shot, Faerie magazine, and the field guide Bovids of the world. Check out his work.
>>>September Meeting – September 12, 2019, 7pm
Show & Tell – Members may bring in a piece or two and talk about a significant art experience they had over the last year.
>>>> CALL FOR ENTRY – all member show
Mill Run Show: “FALLEN LEAVES”
Thank you!
Joni Meeker
see attachment
>>>> Message from your president
Thanks to Beth for inviting such an interesting speaker last month, I can’t wait to make a trip to the Billy Ireland Cartoon Library and Museum. And to think it is only a short drive away.
August will be my last meeting as your president. It has been such an honor and privilege to represent the Worthington Area Art League. Thank you for your support. I so appreciate the board and committee members for making the year run so smoothly and for all of you who help with set up and breakdown at the meetings, volunteering for various events, providing such wonderful food for our potlucks and everything else you do.
It is so amazing that our organization has been around for 50 years, since the year we went to the moon! I have great confidence that we will be here in another 50 years and wonder what historic event we will look back on in 2069.
Ruth Ann Mitchell, Artist
>>>> Membership renewal – time draw near
Just a short note to remind you that the membership year expires August 31. The new year begins September 1, 2019 and runs through August 31, 2020. Every member (with email) for the current year will be receiving a renewal reminder if needed via email sometime next week. Note that if you renew via check and send it to my address it will not be processed until the middle of August. Everyone will eventually receive a confirmation email. And there will be up to three additional sent before you are moved to the inactive list. It’s the usual stuff. Membership is still $30 for individuals and $40 for families at the same address. The web gallery fee is $25 for up to 10 images.
Stay tuned for that membership renewal note. If you have questions after you receive the first notice please contact me via this email membership@worthingtonareaartleague.com.
>>>> Learning opportunity
Vivian Ripley Workshop, August 3 & 4
I’d like to invite watercolor artists to participate in my Pouring Your Painting workshop. It is held Saturday, August 3, from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM (with an hour break for lunch) at the Upper Arlington Senior Center Building 1 at 1945 Ridgeview Road. The workshop will continue on Sunday, August 4, from 1:00 to 4:00 PM at the same location. The cost is $76 for UA residents and $88 for non-residents. There is a senior discount.
If you’ve never experienced this method, you will find it lots of fun and resulting in a unique image. We plan our work, save the whites, mingle color and also apply brushwork to accent and finish. I will demo along with you.
Please come and join in! Call 614-583-5331 (Eliese will answer) or register online at parks.uaoh.net.
I am also glad to answer questions at 614-451-6254.
It seems some of our “equipment” has found a new home and new homes are needed for other items. But I don’t actually know what we as a league own and where it is located. So if you are storing some items for the league would you please let me know what it is and where it is. I will then add it to the President and Vice-Presidents books.
Also, let me know if it is OK for those items to remain with you as we do not have a single rented storage space any more. Thanks. Ruth Ann ram.art@hotmail.com
Ruth Ann Mitchell, Artist
>>>> WAAL June Meeting minutes
see attached
>>>> Member kudos!
My new book, LONE TWIN: A True Story of Loss and Found is on Amazon. The cover is an art-quilt I created and my art interests are interspersed throughout the book.
I just learned that it is the number one new book in Amazon in Psychological Biographies!
I love this book, and I am so happy that I wrote it.
You can easily find it on Amazon here: https://www.amazon.com/Lone-Twin-Story-Social-Fictions/dp/9004411348/ref=sr_1_4?keywords=laurel+richardson&qid=1562697863&s=books&sr=1-4–
Thanks for taking the time and for having given me the support for my creative endeavors over the years.
Laurel Richardson
see attachment
>>>> You are invited
Every Saturday a group of artists get together to paint plein air.
It is Central Ohio Plein Air, a group that totals 125 members.
Here is a link to their website that lists the location of each of these sessions.
This is an open invitation to all artists to come and paint with us.
No matter your media, or experience, you are welcome.
THE END (I hope)
appears to be three (3) attachments