Here are a few items that have arrived since the last announcement.
Please note that meetings will be starting up in person with the August meeting at the same time but at a different location. Read carefully below for the details.
Next planned announcement on or about August 6. If you have something to share with your fellow members send your note to <> .
>>>> A Letter from the President
I hope everyone had a safe and Happy 4th of July holiday. Summer is in full bloom and I hope everyone is taking advantage of the warm and (sometimes) sunny weather to make new works of art. Our meetings continue throughout the summer where we have been covering a lot of important topics. Here are some of the highlights from our July 8th Meeting and some new news too.
Two questions are top of mind for our members…
Where Will Be Meeting in the Future? Many facilities are experiencing staffing issues or have limited hours. This currently includes the Griswold Center, McConnell Arts Center, and the Worthington and Columbus Metropolitan Libraries. The good news is that we have found a location to host our meetings:
Our August 12th Meeting will be held in-person at: The Clintonville Women’s Club 3951 North High Street Columbus, Ohio 43214
The Clintonville Women’s Club is just a few miles south of the Griswold Center on High Street in the heart of Clintonville. The building is located down a long driveway behind the Church of Christ Scientist and right next door to the Whetstone Library and Recreation Center. There is ample parking behind the building. Our meetings will be held in the Ravine Room on the lower level, which can be accessed by walking down a half-flight of stairs or by elevator from the main entrance. The facility offers wi-fi.
Both Beth and I conducted an extensive search for a location that would suit our needs and we feel the Clintonville Women’s Club offers excellent amenities and options. Please plan to attend our August meeting, take a look around, and let us know what you think.
Who Will Be Leading the League in the Future? Beth Veldey has accepted the nomination for Treasurer. Sylvia Bowers has accepted the nomination for Secretary. We are still seeking Presidential and Vice Presidential candidates.
Will YOU throw your hat in the ring?
The primary responsibility of the President is to lead the league. This entails general management, including conducting our monthly meetings and overseeing the activities of the members of the Board. The primary responsibility of the Vice President is to organize the programming for our meetings. This can include arranging for guest speakers, hosting drawing sessions and swap meets and a variety of other creative ideas. Both positions offer the opportunity to meet prominent artists and interact with arts administrators. If you are looking to build your own artistic career, these roles are a great way to get involved in WAAL and the greater Columbus arts community.
Please contact me at <> or Beth Veldey at <> if you are interested in being nominated for these important positions.
…and in other news…
Update on Our Non-Profit Status Articles of Incorporation have been drafted and provided to the Board for review. Bylaws are being prepared and will be made available for membership review. Members will be asked to vote on the Bylaws. A quorum of the membership present at the time the vote is held is required to pass the Bylaws. Members will be informed when the vote will take place.
Update on Venues After an evaluation of our venues, the members of the Board have decided to discontinue showing our artwork at Call Insurance, Lume Eye Care, and Worthington Dental. Exposure at these locations is low and we continue to have challenges finding artists who are interested in showing their work at these locations. We will keep the following locations on our list of partner venues, though some continue to enforce access restrictions: Central Park Apartments, Griswold Center, Park National Bank, Sunny Street Café, Worthington Community Center, and the Worthington Municipal Building. Additionally, Venues Chair, Janet Forbes-Green is continuing to research new locations to expand our presence in the community and provide exhibit opportunities for our artists. To sign up for a venue, visit the Venues Booking page of our website at: <> and use the code artinview2021 to log in.
Upcoming Opportunities WAAL Summer Show August 6th – October 6th Dana Grubbe, Chair; Elizabeth Veldey, Co-Chair
The Judge for the Summer Show will be Nathaniel Underwood, who has presented to our group in the past.
Call for entries to the virtual show are due on July 25th Art Pieces per Artist: 2 Entry Fee: $15 (payable by check or PayPal after completing the entry form) Submitted work must have been completed in 2020-2021 Images of Work: Must be of unframed work Image Resolution: The longest dimension between 1000-3000 pixels Image File Size: Less than 5mb each Judging: Conducted online prior to artist information revealed Sales: All sales inquiries will be referred directly to the artist. Commissions: No commission will be taken by WAAL Members Only: Your dues must be paid-up for the 2020/2021 membership year to enter! Visit the Call for Entries page of our website to register and make your payment at: <>
Critiques Our next critique will be held on July 22nd at 7:00pm. You are invited to share and discuss a piece of artwork created in any media, at any stage of completion. Send one image of a piece you would like to discuss to Rod Hayslip at <>.
WAAL Critique, July 22nd, 7:00pm Join Zoom Meeting <> Meeting ID: 827 2982 3825 Passcode: 091384
Currently on View First Merchants Bank Exhibit July 1st – August 31st Joni Meeker, Chair 1460 Grandview Avenue Columbus, OH 43212
On-Demand Presentation: Kyla Zoe Rafert Ms. Rafert gave a very compelling presentation about her meticulous approach to figurative painting. If you missed it, her presentation is available on our website for on-demand viewing at the following link: <>
This is along list of exciting news for our League. I hope you can take advantage of the many opportunities that WAAL is offering. It will be nice to see everyone’s faces at our next meeting.
Katherine N. Crowley President
Worthington Area Art League
>>>Call for Entry – We need more artists for the virtual WAAL All-Member Sumer Show.
Entries due July 25th. Click this link <> to enter online. First Place winner will be offered a virtual gallery room for a two-month, one-person show. Judging – Nathaniel Underwood, painter, illustrator and adjunct CCAD professor will be our judge. His work at <> WAAL All Member Summer Show – August 6 through October 6, 2021 This will be an online show in a virtual gallery available through the WAAL web site. Size of Show – Maximum entries for the show is 100 pieces Awards – Total entry fees net of the judges honorarium will be awarded as First Place-55%, Second Place-30%, Third Place-15% First Place winner will be offered a virtual gallery room for a two-month, one-person show. Art Pieces per Artist: 2 Entry Fee: $15 (payable by check or PayPal after completing the entry form) Submitted work must have been completed in 2020-2021 Images of Work: Must be of unframed work
>>> Upcoming Meetings …
August 12 – Amy Adams – Amy’s oil paintings are inspired by Joaquin Sorolla. She paints light and shadow relationships to tell a story of how scene exists in that one moment. Amy’s website <>
September 9 – Annual WAAL members’ show and tell. – If we do this on line, you will be asked to email photos of the pieces you want to show. If we are meeting in person, bring something you have been working on during the past year.
>>> New Virtual Gallery Opened “Featured Artist”
A new virtual gallery is opening for WAAL called “Featured Artist”. It is available as a solo show to first place winners of WAAL’s all-member shows. Our first artist is Jane Flewellen who won first prize at the virtual WAAL Winter Show. Look for the link on WAAL’s website.
>>> Walnut Ink –
We had a good attendance for the July Zoom meeting. Kyla Zoe Rafert went into interesting detail on the symbolism of her work and the intriguing and painstaking process she uses to create her pieces. She makes her own walnut ink to paint her figures. Many people wanted the recipe (attached). Even better, Beth Veldey has walnut trees galore. The raw materials should be available in September.
Dana Am sending to you also so you don’t have to wait. see attachment
>>>> Studio light and stand available
Contact Bill Westerman <>
see attachment
THE END two (2) attachments
# Worthington Area Art League – announcements 7/17/21 #