Happy New Year!
Below are a few items of interesting. Next planned announcement on or about January 25.
Don’t forget the next meeting is this coming Thursday!!!! Hope you can join the meeting via ZOOM!
Check your league e-mail for Zoom information.
>>>> Call for Entry!!!!
Now that the hustle and bustle of the holidays is over it is time to submit your entries into the Art Of The Heart show at the High Road Gallery. The deadline for entry is January 20 ! See the details below. (or in the attachment)
“Art from the Heart – Creating with Love”
DATE: February 4 – March 26, 2022
Location: The High Road Gallery, 12 E. Stafford Ave,
Worthington, OH 43085
ENTRY DEADLINE: January 20th
TAKE-IN: January 27th, noon- 2pm
- No size restriction
- Wired for hanging, no sawtooth hangers
- Some 3D work can be accommodated, with advance notice of size and number.
Note: 2 entries per artist with a total of 42 works for the show. The first 42 entries will be accepted by the deadline.
- Membership dues for 2021-2022 must be paid to enter.
Register for the show online at the Worthington Area Art League website > membership tab>call for entry. The link is http://www.worthingtonareaartleague.com/call-for-entry/
- If unable to register online, send your entry form with a $20 check made out to the Worthington Area Art League to:
Sylvia Bowers
344 Brownsfell Dr.
Columbus, Ohio 43235-7002
IN-PERSON RECEPTION: Sunday, February 6th, 2-4pm with award presentations at 3pm
TAKE-DOWN: March 27th, noon-2pm
Information needed from the artist upon application for entry:
Artist name
Size: H, W, D (for 3D work)
Contact : email, phone #, Venmo # (optional electronic payment)
>>>> Zofia Wilamowska has added an artist portfolio to the WAAL web page.
“Art is my visual language. My focus is on the beauty of the world around us. There is so much beauty in almost anything, in a wild flower, in old trees, in a lake’s reflection in light, or in an old man’s face, all waiting to be delineated. I choose subjects that are a little bit mysterious, that invoke curiosity, or give peace and serenity.” -Zofia Wilamowska
Please visit her artist portfolio by clicking the following link:
Check out all of our artist portfolios by clicking the following link:
Katherine N. Crowley
Public Relations Chair
>>>> Message from Justin Dancing Hawk
I’m moving BACK to Wisconsin in March! I just put my 2nd bid in on this house!
I’m VERY excited! I’ll be included in an Exhibition in the fall of past “BEST OF SHOW” winners of Arts West Wisconsin” in Eau Claire, WI, when they re-open their Public Library! Now, I’ll be close by so I can attend! This house has the space I’m looking for to move into Stone Sculpture again, build my Native American Flutes & Hard figure Ventriloquist’s puppets! The location is IDEAL! Thanks for ALL!
>>>> Sign Up for Kroger Community Rewards!!!
Now that WAAL is officially a registered non-profit, we are eligible for Kroger Community Rewards!! If you have a Kroger card, go online and select WAAL as your recipient for Kroger rewards. If you don’t have a Kroger card yet, request one at the Kroger customer service desk and sign up. Attached are some Instructions for linking WAAL to your Kroger account.
See attachment.