Hope you are all ready for the start of summer! Below are the latest items that have arrived for your eyes.
Next planned announcement on or about: July 2, 2021.
>>>> A Message from the President, Katherine Crowley
The warm summer months are upon us, activities are getting under way, and businesses are re-opening to full capacity once again. A lot has happened this spring and even more opportunities are on the horizon for summer. When making your summer plans, be sure to include the follow:
2021 Scholarship Exhibition We celebrated the accomplishments of three Worthington area high school seniors by awarding them scholarships at our June Meeting. Rae Schreiber of Worthington Christian High School, Evaline Leftridge of Worthington Kilbourne High School, and Izzy Thomas of Thomas Worthington High School were each awarded a $250 scholarship along with a one-year membership to WAAL. I had the pleasure of presenting Izzy Thomas with her scholarship at a socially distanced ceremony at TWHS in May. Rae and Evaline’s artwork is on display in our Virtual Gallery for the month of June. Be sure to take a tour by visiting: www.worthingtonareaartleague.com/2021-scholarship-exhibition/ <www.worthingtonareaartleague.com/2021-scholarship-exhibition/>
Upcoming Exhibit Opportunities WAAL Summer Show, WAAL Virtual Gallery …And speaking of our Virtual Gallery, we will be hosting an all member Summer Show chaired by Dana Grubbe. The show will be judged and awards presented at an upcoming online reception. Label information should be submitted through the “Call for Entry” page on our website at www.worthingtonareaartleague.com/call-for-entry/ <www.worthingtonareaartleague.com/call-for-entry/>. Each artist may submit up to 2 pieces for a $15 fee which is payable through the “Call for Entry Payment” page of our website at www.worthingtonareaartleague.com/call-for-entry-payment/ <wwwworthingtonareaartleague.com/call-for-entry-payment/>. Images should be in jpeg format and sized to 1200 pixels on the longest side. Images should be emailed to President@WorthingtonAreaArtLeague.com <President@worthingtonareaartleague.com/>.
First Merchants Bank, July 1st-August 30th Our exhibit at First Merchants Bank will be part of the Grandview Hop, Grandview’s summertime night market on August 28th from 5:00-9:00pm. The show will be chaired by Joni Meeker. Label information for up to 2 pieces should be emailed to Joni by noon on June 30th at jmeeker11@gmail.com <jmeeker11@gmail.com/>. Drop off is on Thursday, July 1st from 9:00am-12:00pm (or by arrangement with Joni) at First Merchants Bank, 1460 Grandview Avenue, Columbus, Ohio 43212. To learn more about the Grandview Hop, please visit: grandviewhop.com <grandviewhop.com/>
First Community Church, August-September Our exhibit at First Community Church in Marble Cliff will be chaired by Ruth Ann Mitchell. Details to come.
Leadership for 2021-2022 Sylvia Bowers and Beth Veldey have been nominated to serve as Secretary and Treasurer, respectively. We are seeking nominations for President and Vice President. These roles may sound like a big undertaking but because WAAL is such a collaborative organization, the commitment is manageable. A little teamwork goes a long way. Fulfilling these roles puts you in a prominent position in the local arts community. It is a great way to get to know artists, arts administrators, and community group leaders in the Greater Columbus Area, participate in decision-making, and advance your art career and those of our members. Because this past year-and-a-half has been so unique, you can expect plenty of support from the current and former members of the Board.
WAAL President Job Description The President is responsible for leading the league. Primary duties include running periodic Board Meetings and the monthly General Meetings. This entails setting the agenda for each meeting and asking each officer and chair person to give a report about his/her duties. With the help of the Board of Directors, the President coordinates business decisions for the league and coordinates certain initiatives with groups like the McConnell Arts Center and the Griswold Center.
WAAL Vice President The primary responsibility of the Vice President is to schedule the programming for our monthly General Meetings. This could include scheduling guest speakers, arranging drawing sessions, swap meets, and our annual Show & Tell. Frequently the Vice President runs for President the following term.
If you are interested in throwing your hat into the ring for the position of President or Vice President, or want to learn more about each role, please contact me at President@WorthingtonAreaArtLeague.com <President@worthingtonareaartleague.com/>
Returning to In-Person Meetings The world seemed to re-open overnight once COVID-19 restrictions were lifted but many venues are still working to ease into being fully operational. At this stage, we are waiting to hear from the Griswold Center about when they will be open to hosting large group events such as our monthly meetings. We are confident that we will return to meeting in person by the start of our next season in September. Until that time we will continue to meet via Zoom. Stay tuned for updates.
Our Next Critique is June 24th Our members have been receiving constructive feedback at our monthly critiques. Our next session is scheduled for Thursday, June 24th at 7:00pm. All media at any stage of development can be shared and discussed. If you wish to participate but not present you are welcome as well. Please email images to President@WorthingtonAreaArtLeague.com <President@worthingtonareaartleague.com/>
I hope everyone is enjoying the summer so far and is having fun making new works of art. I hope to see some of it on display in our upcoming exhibits.
Katie Katherine N. Crowley, President
>>>> Community Venue exhibit opportunities
Hi WAAL members, It’s time to share your art with our venders. All shows will be for 2 months so your commitment will be July through August. The menu for July/Aug. will be:
Sunny Street Café. A wonderful, bright spacious café. Many places to hang pictures of many sizes.
Lume Family Eye Care. Available July 1. Number of pieces 3-8.
Worthington Dental Group. Large reception area. Can handle 8 to 12. Available July1.
Please give Janet Green a call or leave a message at( 614) 578-2572 and I will help get you set up.
Remember, its fun to share your artistic talents with Columbus.!!!!!!!!
>>>> Upcoming Programs
July 8 – Kyla Zoe Rafert – Kyla is a painter whose work as been displayed at the Gormley Gallery. She paints incredibly detailed interior scenes that mix people, animals, replicas of the old masters, and great wallpaper. Kyla’s website <kyla-zoe.com/home.html>
August 12 – Amy Adams – Amy’s oil paintings are inspired by Joaquin Sorolla. She paints light and shadow relationships to tell a story of how scene exists in that one moment. Amy’s website <amyadamsfineart.com/home.html>
September 9 – Annual WAAL members’ show and tell. – If we do this on line, you will be asked to email photos of the pieces you want to show. If we are meeting in person, bring something you have been working on during the past year.
>>>Venue Updates >Worthington Community Center – They have completed remodeling at the Rec Center. Judy Anderson hung her collection this week. Use the web site to sign up for future months. >Griswold Center – May be available for Jul/Aug. Check the web site next week for sign-ups.
>>>Venues Available >Worthington Community Center – available for Dec/Jan >Sunny Street Cafe – Available for July/Aug >Lume Eye Care – Current artist – Beth Veldey. Available for July/Aug >Worthington Dental Group – Current artist is Janet Forbes-Green. Available for July/Aug
>>>> Things to do this month
Urban Sketchers Columbus Draw on location, indoors or out, capturing what we see from direct observation. There next sketch event is at Antrim Park Sunday, June 27, 2021 at 1:30 pm – 4 pm
For more information go to www.facebook.com/groups/urbansketchersColumbus <www.facebook.com/groups/urbansketchersColumbus>
Central Ohio Plein Air Central Ohio Plein Air artists enjoy painting outdoors and the camaraderie that comes from painting with friends. We enjoy the experience, knowing that the skills learned will enhance our artistic journey. No matter your background , media, or experience level, we invite you to come and paint with us. We meet at least once a week, year round.
For more information and Calendar of events go to www.pleinair-art.com/events-calendar <www.pleinair-art.com/events-calendar> Figure Art (Wild Goose Creative.com <creative.com/>)
Thu Jun 10th 7:00pm – 9:00pm
Figure Art, Every 2nd and 4th Thursdays, 7-9pm.
Formally known as Figure Drawing, these sessions feature a live figure model for artistic reference. Poses will be gestural and short to begin and will increase in duration as the session progresses, culminating in either two thirty minute poses or one hour long pose broken up into two 30 minute blocks. You are welcome to bring any media, as long as your media does not require excessive ventilation or other special accommodation that would hinder the artistic experience of the other participants. You are encouraged to bring your own easel as there are none in the studio, however a table will be provided if needed. Each session will be approximately 2 hours.
In-person ($10)
In-person classes will take place in the Bridge Gallery at 400 West Rich. For safety purposes, we are limiting the class to 10 people. You must register online at least 4 hours before the event. We will not sell tickets at the door.
Enter through and park in the gated lot at 400 West Rich, past the door with the red awning. The entrance is in the back of the space.
Live-stream ($5 suggested donation)
Want to experience Figure Drawing in the comfort your own home? We will be live-streaming each session via Zoom. To receive the Zoom link, please register via a sliding scale donation.
To register for this event www.eventbrite.com/e/figure-art-tickets-139931509913 <www.eventbrite.com/e/figure-art-tickets-139931509913> For more information on other events www.wildgoosecreative.com/events <www.wildgoosecreative.com/events>
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Worthington Area Art League – announcement June 19, 2021